Hey! So I actually have time to blog!! haha!
So today for work, I did candy cane eyes!!
I did not create this look, but I did take out some steps. I thought the purple and black eyeshadow the Guru here added was a little dark and harsh for the holidays.
So here is her version:
Candy Cane Eyes
And here is how mine turned out!! I got TONS of compliments on it!
And also, today I stopped by Sallys Beauty Supply and got some more cosmetic glitter! I love this stuff, and its only $1 each!! But I got light blue, navy, and white, and got inspired to do a frosty, snowflake look. Here is how it turned out, and I will post instructions below. =)
So first, take a white base or eyeliner and put all over lids and inner corners, then blend.
next, take a glitter base or a lip balm, something sticky to hold the glitter, and dab a very little bit into lids. I used Palmers Coco Butter Swivel Stick
Now, take the white glitter, and white shimmer powder, and mix together.
Apply all over lids, adding more glitter or shimmer as necessary. Don't forget to add the shimmer to inner corners!
Now, taking your white eyeliner, or white liquid liner (i strongly suggest that for a more precise application, but I don't own any...yet =D ) and as if you were making wings, draw a snowflake design on your eyes. Do whatever design you want, and if you have a stencil, even better!! Then take the white shimmer powder again, and pack it onto the design, with or without stencil. Either works. If without the stencil, take a fluffy brush, and dust away allllll the excess shimmer. You will have shimmer on your face, but thats okay, we'll take care of that later. If wanted, take the glitter and apply with a eyeliner brush onto the snowflake as well. You should end up with a frosty, delicate snowflake!

Now, for the blue glitter! Taking a light blue eyeliner, ( i used wet 'n' wild) and apply under the eye, on the inner half, but don't cover the white inner corners! Then blend down a bit. Now take a navy blue eyeliner (this one is wet 'n' wild as well) and apply to outer half, and blend down a bit as well. Then taking your lip balm again, apply a TEENY tiny amount on top of both colors. Then taking the light blue glitter, apply to light blue liner, and put the navy blue glitter on top of the navy blue liner. Now, you can mix those with frosty shimmery powders or eye shadows of the same color as well, but I didn't think about that till I was done)
Now for blush and lips!!
Take a pink shimmer powder, and a warm, rosy pink blush, and mix together. Apply all over cheeks for flushed cheeks that look like you've been out in the snow!
And lips, I used a berry colored lip stain, the topped it off with my Secret Wonderland lip gloss.
Now the look it complete!!!
Hope you enjoyed!
Merry Christmas!!
Sophiiee =D