I got this little sample of eye cream in my first Birchbox, and decided to put it up to the test!! I started using it once a day every night before bed on January 10th, and I took pictures every 7 days, for a month. Here are the results!!
First use!! I use it right after I wash my face.
Again, (and as always) after I washed my face. No significant difference yet. |
After 2 weeks of use, I found that I haven't been reaching for my concealer as much, let alone using as much as I used to. Fabulous!!
After 3 weeks of use, I can see a lot of the darkness has disappeared! As well as some of those annoying under-eye bags. Wahoo!
Sorry this is somewhat of a shadow-y picture. After 4 weeks of use, I am very happy with the overall results. My eye area is softer, brighter, my bags are less noticeable, and I don't really need concealer! I think that is fabulous!
I also wanted to note that after washing my face, I know it can be red and such, and I realized I should have taken picture of my eye after my face has calmed down as well. So I know the difference in these pictures isn't much, but I can promise you, in real-life the results are there!!
Hope you enjoyed this little review!
Sophiiiee =)
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chick approved!
See ya'll soon!!
Sophiiiee =)
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